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2024-2025 Schedule

Our 2024-2025 Season Starts August 19th

You can register for the season at any time.


Rates 2024-2024

Seasonal Registration Fee- $45 per dancer

Monthly Tuition

$60  for dancers first class per month
$30 for each additional class

Troupe aged dancers will have an additional fee of $5 per month.


Costume Fee's and Recital Fee's

Costume fee's vary by class and are broken into 4 monthly payments
Groove with your Grownup Costume (1 Costume): $80
Cardinal Combo Costumes (2 in on costume): $110
Glenburnie Combo Costumes (2 in one costume): $120
McCarthy and Bern Combo Costumes (3 costumes): $180
Adult, Lyrical, Jazz, Tap, Ballet Costume: $90 Per Class
Troupe Costume: $75 due at registration
Cheer Dance Costume: $85, Poms $50 (2 Pairs)

Costume's include tights and a garment bag

Recital fee's are $75 and include two ticket vouchers, recital t-shirt, and recital download. Siblings are $25 per sibling and includes additional


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