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  • How do I get there?
    We are located at 2117 S Glenburnie Rd New Bern, NC 28562. You can enter through the door with the sign on it.
  • How do I know which class(es) to sign my dancer up for?
    Our Classes tab divides all of our classes by age range. If you select the age group of your dancer, you will see all classes available for your dancer! You can also email us at to answer specific class placement questions!
  • What is the current schedule?
    Click on our classes tab to see our current posted schedule!
  • What is the appropriate attire for classes?
    The safest bet for our classes is always tights, leotard, and dance shorts. If you don't have all of that for the first class, don't worry about it! We can get any attire ordered for you.
  • Where can I buy attire and shoes?
    We can place orders for attire and shoes! If your dancer doesn't have an item prior to class, we suggest coming in 15 minutes early for their first class so that a staff member can measure them for any shoes/attire that they may need.
  • What are the current rates?
    1 Class: $60 2 Classes: $90 3 Classes: $120 4 Classes or more: $150 Tuition is due on the first of the month. Any tuition paid after the 10th will accrue at 10% late fee.
  • Do you offer any discounts?
    We offer a multi-class discount. All classes after the first are offered at a discounted rate. We also offer a 10% sibling discount as well as a sibling registration fee discount.
  • Are there any other fees I should be aware of?
    There are a few additional fees that should be on your radar. Registration Fee: $45 per child ($35 for second child) due at registration Recital Fee: $75 (includes 2 recital tickets, recital tshirt, and recital download) due in March Costume Fees pay for recital costumes. Costume fees are divided into 4 equal payments (September-December). Costumes include tights and a garment bag. Groove & Cardinal Ballet Only Costumes: $80 Cardinal Costumes: $110 Glenburnie Costumes: $120 McCarthy and Bern Costumes: $180 Trent, Neuse, Hip Hop, Lyrical, Pointe: $90 per costume Troupe Costume: $75 due at registration Cheer Dance: $85, Pops (2 pairs) $50
  • Can I watch my dancer in class?
    We offer monitors for easy viewing in our lobby.
  • What amenities are available at Wanda Kay's?
    Dancers: Sprung floors, mirrored walls, and amazing sound systems in both studio spaces. Parents: Comfortable lounge area with toys and books for siblings
  • Are you still accepting students? When is registration closed?
    We offer rolling registration throughout the entirety of our season! Dancers can start any time from August to June. Keep in mind, that the earlier your dancer starts, the more likely it will be that we can get costumes in time.
  • For what ages do you offer classes?
    We offer classes for students ranging from ages 18 months to adult. There is something here for everyone!
  • What if I don't see a class/camp that works with my schedule?
    You can fill out this form and let us know the class/camp you'd like and what other times work best for you. Classes will only be created if there are at least 4 students willing to enroll.
  • What performance opportunities are there?
    All dancers have the opportunity to participate in our annual recital in June. We also offer opportunities to certain dancers like Mumfest performances, New Bern/Trent Woods parades, and New Bern Get Your Color On!
  • Are your hiring?
    We are always looking to expand our staff wether it be adding to our sublist or teaching a class. Email resumes to
  • Does my dancer have to be potty trained?
    Your dancer does not, however we ask that they arrive in a fresh diaper or pull-up. All dancers regardless of being potty trained should come with an extra change of clothes.
  • Do you have water?
    We do have water coolers, but all dancers should bring a refillable water bottle to use the coolers.
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